Hi everyone!
I can just feel spring, can't you!.......we have had some wonderful warm days here. It just puts you in the mood for putting out those flowers and Easter time and getting outside even though it is really still cold. I hope you are having a great day! My daughter came through her surgery great and we all survived! My mommy instincts kicked in the first couple of nights even though she is grown and I didn't sleep at all!! I was up every time she moved! It was really something....it was like she was a baby all over again!!!! lol Boy, I guess that never changes....I didn't think it did because of how I feel about my kids but when they are sick you really know it! Even when they are grown....
The Nashville Needlework Market was a great success. I wasn't able to go because of my daughters surgery but I have ordered almost all the New charts from the show!!! You can check them out as they come in at the front page of our Ebay Store where it lists the new charts and if you don't see something that you want, email me! I will see if I can get it for you..... I am listing some of them here too. You can click on them here and it will take you to the store also. I will also be listing more Free charts.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Til next time!
God Bless You,
~ simple embroidery ~
2 weeks ago