Hi,Is everybody getting ready for Thanksgiving! Well, I know everyone isn't because lots of you aren't from America but if you are...then you are thinking about what you are going to do for dinner in the next couple of weeks and who you will be eating with and where and what and all that good stuff! Trying to please everyone is a chore sometimes especially in this day with blending families. I know we have that in our household. Not that it is a problem but it is just trying to arrange the dinner(s) so that it doesn't interfere with everyone else's dinner(s) and especially since the children are grown and all have their own families and such. WOW...is that enough to make you tired without even cooking and cleaning...just thinking about it!!! lol We have 5 children...my husband had 2 when we got married and I had 3 so we are blending!!! Now we have 6 grandchildren.... WE LOVE them all and they are all wonderful! We have a house full here and I absolutely am in heaven when they are all here....I wouldn't have it any other way! I only wish they would stay longer when they are here. I get soooo excited before they get here I can hardly stand myself. Is that silly or what and they all live in town and I see them all the time! You would think they had come from far away. I just love it when they are all here. I think I still have empty nest syndrome to tell you the truth. I tell my husband that all the time. There is nothing like having children around....big or small to keep you alive! Anyway, I LOVE this time of year...it just seems to bring life back into people, don't you think? I hope you are taking this time of year to really think about all the wonderful things you DO have to be thankful for....we are SOOOO blessed! You know, regardless of how bad things are in our lives sometimes....if we look around, there is always someone that has it worse and we can be thankful that we are who we are and where we are and that the Lord has given us what we have. Because things could be worse for us. The most important thing in this life is family....love yours today.
I have a little sampler for Thanksgiving to give you called "Give Thanks"....hope you enjoy! Governor Bradford celebrated the first harvest in 1621 -the first Thanksgiving for the Pilgrims. Please add your own initials anywhere you please.
Be blessed as always and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
God Bless You Always,