
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hi everyone!
Well, it is me again!  Surprise, surprise.  Didn't hear from me in a long time and now two times in a row!!!!!
I hope you are through your Christmas least doing better than I am.  There was only three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas so it is coming on quickly.  I always get so excited this time of year and reminisce about times past when I was a little girl.  My Daddy had one of those BIG and I mean BIG 8 ml. motion cameras that if you got very close to it, it was Synge your hair!  lol He loved taking pictures of me getting up in the morning to see my presents for the first time.  He was a Truck Driver for over 40 years and I was always so proud of him.  He worked so hard and was a Godly man.  He got up every morning around 6 and read his Bible and prayed.  Always took us to Church.  But he was also, always so tired at Christmas because he had usually come in from a long trip and then been up all night for Christmas.  Bless His heart.  Mother loved to cook but her specialty was cakes and pies and Chocolate Eclair's.  Yummy.  She loved the Lord so much and prayed for so many.  She taught me so many good values.  Thank you Mother. 
I pray you will take this time to think back on some good times and then share them with your children, grandchildren or friends.  I know they will enjoy the stories of times past. 
Isn't it funny...when you think isn't the presents you remember but the times you had with your families and friends.  Those are the "moments"!!  Those wonderful memories that you carry in your heart. 
Here is another chart for you.  I had plans last year to sell this one but never got around to it is now free to you!  Enjoy!
God Bless You, as always,

Monday, December 9, 2013

Merry Christmas! has been too long since I have been on my blog. I am sooo very sorry. Other things have really kept me busy for quite a while.

This has been some year, hasn't it! With our economy and everything else that has gone on, it seems everyone is just hanging on and praying! What better thing to do than pray! That is exactly what we need. It seems our Country has forgotten where our true blessings come from.  Our Lord is faithful when we put our trust in Him.  I pray we all will take time this season to look around and see how truly blessed we are and what we have to be thankful for.  Not in the "things" we own...but in life's true riches...families, love, health, being able to worship our Lord, freedom and sooo much more! 

I pray you all have a wonderful, Merry Christmas and that your homes are full of His love, joy and peace.

Below you will find  a small free chart for you...It would look really nice to do on green aida but please choose whatever fabrics and colors you want...make it your own.

God Bless You all,