
Friday, December 18, 2015

This is the most wonderful time of year! 
There are so many things happening all around us!  As a Christian,  I find myself realizing that of all times my faith has to be strong.  I cannot be weak because I know there will be times that all of our faith will be tested.  I praise the Lord for what He did for us.  He came to this earth to save us...He died on the cross to save us!  We are celebrating our Lord.  God in the flesh!  The one that loves us the most.  The one that all we have to do is call out His name...Jesus and He is right there for us.  We are blessed.   I pray each of you are praying for your families, your friends to pray the Lord more...get into His Word more....Hear from Him more and put the desires of this world aside.  Pray for the lost and allow the Lord to lead you where you will go. 
He is faithful even when we are not.  He loves the unlovable....He loves us when we have failed...when we have messed up....when we are unworthy...Praise the Lord!  All we have to do is go to Him and say I'm sorry!  Our sins are as far as from the east to the west...and further.  The spans of the skies.....Hallelujah!!
I am thankful that I can write this on my blog...that we have freedom in America right now! 
I just want to give Him Praise on my little blog for all He has done for me.  Thank you Lord for saving me...for getting me through hard times and for all those times I didn't desire it and you were still there!  For forgiving me of all my sins!  I love you Lord!  I pray for all those that read my blog that they will be blessed by You and if they aren't saved, that there hearts will turn to you, Lord!
I pray they will have a wonderful Christmas with their families and friends.  That you will be safe...lots of laughter and remember where all your true blessings came from.
God bless you all!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Free Chart "Fruit of the Spirit"

Hi again...
We had more snow last night!  I heard on TV this morning that a man up north is selling "snow" and shipping it out to people that want snow!  I guess people will buy anything.  Since the Country is mostly covered in snow right now he is probably shipping pretty far!  Wow...what an entrepreneur!  Can't even imagine how you do that!
We are just trying to stay warm and get out of our driveway!  lol  That is a task in itself....My husband was concerned for the birds and he bought a big bag of seed for them.  We sometimes don't think of all the little critters that are all around us. 
Matthew 6:26 says Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

So when my husband wanted to feed the birds, I thought about that verse.  The Lord supplying the food for them and also the Lord leading my husband to help in a time of need the birds were feed. 
How much more should we do for our brothers and sisters when we see a need in their lives. 

1 John 3:18 Little children, let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them, and show it by our actions.
It is easy to say we love but love is an action word only. 
This snow is a perfect time to share our "love" with someone in need.  There is a lot of people that are stranded without a ride, getting to the store, to the doctor, without food, shoveling a driveway...whatever...there are needs.  Reach out, share your love of our Savior.  You will receive a blessing too!
Here is a FREE chart for you.  "FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT"
I hope you enjoy....Use any colors or fabrics you desire!
Blessings as always,

Monday, February 23, 2015

Hi everyone...

Happy late Valentines Day!!

We have had sooo much snow and I am sure a lot of you have too.  Cabin fever here we come!  They are calling for more this weekend...NO...NO!  Please, enough is enough. Just get rid of some of these germs all around!  I don't know if it does or not but I hope it does. 

Anyway, I pray you all had a fabulous Valentine's Day with your sweetie!  I can't believe it is almost March and Easter time already.  Time flies by just like my Mom said, and the older you get the faster it goes...I sure don't understand that one!  But it is true. 

All I do know is that the Lord has sure been good to me and I have to always give a testimony to His goodness!  Without Him, I don't know what or where I would be.  I once heard a minister say that miracles pass us by everyday and we don't see them.  If we only knew all the good things that have passed us by because we weren't listening to the voice of God it would amaze us but not only that...we would be astonished at the bad things the Lord has protected us from!  He is right there to help us all the time!  Praise His Name forever.

I am including a picture of one of my charts called "Love Never Fails" that Robin Brown stitched and sent me.  It looks fantastic and I wanted to share with you.  Thank you Robin for sending it to me.  I hope you all enjoy my free charts. 

Have a blessed week and talk to you soon!
