
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hi Friends!!!
What a great day to be stitching!!! I can't even imagine my what my life would have been up to now without this wonderful outlet!! I love seeing all the great blogs now where you ladies are showing your wonderful cross stitch pieces.
As you can tell, my favorite cross stitch is samplers and primitives. I started loving samplers before I even knew there was such a thing as counted cross stitch. I worked several on stamped cross stitch and fell in love.
I would love to hear from you as to what is your favorite type! Do you love florals, animals, alphabets, sayings or samplers like me! If you have a minute...let me know. I love to hear from you girls.
Here is another of my FREE designs for you. Please enjoy. Just don't kit or sell. Thanks!
Blessings to you as always,


  1. Thank you! I love your designs!

  2. Beautiful, love houses, the fishes are very cute, your charts are a joy to look at and stitch.

    LiBBiE in Oz

  3. What a pretty design, Nancy! Thank you so much! I love samplers, too, but stitch mostly small designs with houses, bunnies, and flowers...

  4. I am like you..... love samplers!! Thanks for the free chart... it's a great one!!

  5. Nancy, I love your charts, and it's so nice of you to give these away! Thank you so much!

  6. My favorite designs are those which incorporate Scripture. I also like alphabets. I prefer small designs, and find houses extremely tedious. Thank you for the freebie!

  7. Thanks a lot, Nancy !
    Like you, I love samplers and primitives. I love your designs also ! ;-)
    Hi from France,

  8. You are so special and all your samplers touch my heart every time you put one up. My favorite incorporate scripture as well, and positive thought as I like to decorate my house with such. I wish I could stitch faster and I know when I get through this rough patch I am at home in, that when I do get to stitching I want to first stitch the one about faith and fear. I had read in a book the two couldn't exist at the same time. I have learned a hard lesson and I have printed off this to remind me and put in my home.
    You touch many lives with your creativity and I too LOVE samplers.


  9. Wow! What a pretty design! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!!

  10. Thanks so much for another beautiful pattern! I love primitives and samplers as well, and never get tired of another beautiful design. Thanks again for sharing your talent!

  11. Thanks so much for the pretty freebie.
    I love your Samplers.
    Quakers are a fav of mine also.

  12. This is really interesting to read its very nice post ! Hope you will post many more!
