
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Blessings Everyone!!

First, I would like to ask any of you if you stitch any of the charts I give away and would like to share a picture of them with me...please send them to my email address as I would love to post them on my blog.

WOW!!! This has been one week around here to remember!  Some of you are probably feeling the same way.  We didn't have any power for over 4 days.  Some people in our area are just now getting it back on.  Trees are down everywhere.  It is truly a disaster in some places.  I praise the Lord we didn't have more problems than just the power.  It really makes you stop and think about what we are really blessed to have and also if there were a nationwide emergency in this country, what could we and would we do.  I know our cell phones didn't work for a while here either.  The Lord says we are not to be fearful and to put our trust in Him.  In times like this our faith is truly tested.  We prayed a lot.  I had never even heard of a "derecho" storm before last week.  The description of a "derecho" storm is: widespread, long-lived, straight-line windstorm that is associated with a fast-moving band of severe thunderstorms.  There wasn't even any rain associated with the storm...just terrible wind which came in a second.  Over 80 MPH here in our area.  OK...enough about that!  We are in air conditioning now...our daughters tree is being cut up in her backyard, taking 3 days to cut that one up!! It is huge.  It blew it over out of the ground!  I said enough 

I hope you are enjoying your summer.  Going on vacations, spending time with families and just enjoying this wonderful time of year.  I just love the summer.  Green grass, flowers, long days, cooler nights, cookouts, swimming and on and on!  I hope you are doing some stitching in between all your running around.  It is time to get ready for fall believe that or not.  It is just around the corner.  Boy, it is just like my Mama used to say, time flies when you get older, faster and faster!  That is the TRUTH!  It seems you get up in the morning and then you are getting ready for bed again. 

I have another free chart for you.  Enjoy your stitching and just please don't sell my designs or kit them. 

Have a wonderful week and until next time.



Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hi Friends!!!
What a great day to be stitching!!! I can't even imagine my what my life would have been up to now without this wonderful outlet!! I love seeing all the great blogs now where you ladies are showing your wonderful cross stitch pieces.
As you can tell, my favorite cross stitch is samplers and primitives. I started loving samplers before I even knew there was such a thing as counted cross stitch. I worked several on stamped cross stitch and fell in love.
I would love to hear from you as to what is your favorite type! Do you love florals, animals, alphabets, sayings or samplers like me! If you have a minute...let me know. I love to hear from you girls.
Here is another of my FREE designs for you. Please enjoy. Just don't kit or sell. Thanks!
Blessings to you as always,

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hi Friends!
So good to write to you again this afternoon!  I do hope you are having a good spring and looking forward to a wonderful Mothers Day.  Whether you are a Mother or are celebrating the day with your Mother, daughters, sisters or friends....enjoy the day!!!  I want to say, "thank you to all the Mothers out there for taking the most important job -position-career there is on the face of the planet, as far as I am concerned, seriously and I hope, joyfully and thankfully.  You are so blessed that the Lord has given you children in your care to raise. And when there are trying days, and I know there are since I have raised 3 children myself, be grateful for every moment, every second, every night you kiss them on their checks and say prayers with them!  You are a blessed woman.  A Mother is a valuable person and so very loved by our heavenly Father.  In those trying times remember that the Joy of the Lord is your Strength  (Neh. 8:10) and He will always, always be there for you. 
Here is another FREE chart for you...enjoy!  Please don't kit or sell. 
Have a wonderful rest of your week and until next time!
In His Love,

Friday, March 23, 2012

Hi Everyone!

What a beautiful day here in Virginia! We have been having such wonderful warm weather. It has been in the 70's. Even with the thunderstorms it has been glorious! I just love this time of year. All the trees are starting to come alive and there are sooo many with blossoms and color! I hope you are enjoying this time of year, wherever you live. The Lord has made such a beautiful place for us.

My good friend, Carole, and she is also my "Sis" from Arizona, a retired school teacher and wonderful Christian ask me to do a chart "Live by Faith, not Fear".....sooo, here it is for you. It is taken from the scripture in Mark 4:40. This is especially for you Carole...I hope you will all enjoy it.

I have a book call: The complete book of Zingers by Croft M. Pentz that has really neat sermon quotes including some for you to ponder on FAITH and FEAR....

Faith can never overdraw its account.
Part-time faith, like a part-time job, will not fully support you.
Faith is a spiritual life in action.
Faith never grows in a disobedient heart.
When you cease to use faith, you lose it.
Feed your faith and your doubt will starve to death.
You don't trust God until you trust Him for the impossible.
The way to take the fear out of living is to put faith in the Lord.
There are "365 Fear nots" in the Bible---one for each day!!!!
Faith and fear cannot live together......

Have a wonderful day and as always be blessed!


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Happy March!!!!!

It is starting to warm up and spring is just around the corner. The birds are singing and singing in the morning! What a wonderful sound. I just love spring time when everything starts all new again. It's such a breath of fresh air. The grass turns all luscious and green and the flowers start to spring up from the ground. The sky even looks brighter. Wherever you are living, I hope you are enjoying your "beginning" of spring. Easter is just around the corner. What a time to celebrate...our Risen Saviour, Jesus! What a glorious time of year to think of all HE has done for us.

Here is a free chart for you....a Quaker Cross. Enjoy. As you stitch this Cross I hope you will reflect on what HE did for us that day when He laid down His life for you and I. What a future we have to look forward too just because of His sacrifices and LOVE for us even before we knew Him.

I pray you have a wonderful week, full of joy!


Friday, January 13, 2012


Hi again....

2012 has begun and NEW BEGINNINGS for all of us! I want this year to be great and by that I mean in terms of looking at what is REALLY and I mean REALLY important in our life! So many people are talking about the Mayan Calendar and this year being a count down and all that...well, if it is, it is. What I know is (probably very but the Word of God says that only God knows when He is coming back for His people and what I plan is to be mindful of living each day to the best of my ability. Do my utmost very, very best to treat every one truly like I WANT to be treated and with mercy...Everyone is on edge these days with the economy so I want to do my best to be aware of others feelings and what they might be going through isn't all about "ME". I am going to do my best to give people the benefit of the doubt, so to speak if they are "harsh". Turn the other cheek as the Bible says. Watch what the Lord will do for you when we start doing just small things for others. I really believe when we give, it is given back to us. Not that you do it for that reason...EVER. I know how excited I get when I see someone open up a present give them. The same applies when we share our smile with someone or a kind word. I want to to be more considerate of others this year and see if it doesn't spread. After all just one kind word to a person just could change their life! You never know.

I hope this will be the very best year for you and your family and that the Lord will enrich your life with all that is good! I pray that you have good health, joy and peace throughout this year and we can all be in touch often.

Here is a another little sampler for is called "LOVE NEVER FAILS". Do it up into a small pillow or pinskeep! Whatever you want. Hope you enjoy!

Til next time-Have a wonderful day! God Bless You always.....
