Hi everyone,
Well...are you finished with everything yet? Sure hope so. I saw Santa in my neck of the woods yesterday so if you aren't ready you better hurry up! hehe ........I have been cooking and babysitting today...or 6 year old sitting...I should say. She helped me make cookies! How much fun was that! Memories for a LONG, LONG time....We had so much fun, of course, she was trying to eat them as fast as they were cooking! Sugar cookies are soooo good when they are warm! yummmmmm!!!!!
Everything is wrapped and under the tree....hope it is at your home too! This is such a great time of year. It doesn't matter how many presents there are or even if there are presents as long as you get together with someone and share a laugh or two and let someone know that they matter in this life! 'Cause we all matter. We all make our mark....somewhere, somehow, even if we don't think we do.....WE DO!!!
So, I hope this will be your very best Christmas ever. That you are happy, and not just happy, that you are joyous beyond measure! AND that it will last on throughout the coming year.
I hope too, that you will give that happiness away to everyone you meet and it will be contagious and they too will give it away.
To all my customers that shop at Liberty Primitives and Needlework.....May God Bless You Richly this Christmas and the coming Year! Thank you so much for shopping with us and we hope to see you back again.
Merry Christmas everyone!
~ simple embroidery ~
2 weeks ago