It has been a while and I apologize! This summer has gone by sooo fast and I have been keeping grandchildren...which has been wonderful! My 5 year old granddaughter started kindergarten today! She was sooo excited, acting like such a big girl. Of course, my daughter is thinking she is already going off to college. I remember that feeling. Doesn't seem that long ago. Boy has time flown by. I still have empty nest syndrome so bad sometimes. I think sometimes I would like all my kids to still live with us. Not so I can tell them what to do or live their lives for them or anything, I just LOVE being with them. I miss them. They live in this town and I get to see them, it is just not the same as sitting down each day for meals and having them here. I guess, the thing is, as with life, all things change. I am so glad I have my grandchildren now to spoil....
Every moment is so important and it seems we are so busy trying to live that we can't enjoy just the moments. I have ask the Lord to help me to do better about that. The "moments" are each important. They are never again!
It has been so hot here that the leaves are already starting to fall from the trees. Have you started thinking about anything for Fall or for Christmas yet? Now is the time to get started on those projects for all your friends and family members. There are lots of charts coming out now for that time a year....check them out at my Ebay store if you get a chance....
Have you all had a good summer? Have you had a chance to go on vacation and laugh and enjoy your families and friends?
I am putting a little primitive chart on here for you. I hope you will enjoy stitching it up. It won't take you long at all to do. It will fit nicely in a 5" x 7" frame. You can share with your friends just don't kit or sell please. I will be adding another one soon. I am still planning to start selling my charts too, I have some in the works...just working on the process.
I love hearing from you so if you want to email me anytime....please do!
Blessings as always,
thank you for the lovely chart
Thank you for sharing your talents with us. I love your latest chart and can't wait to start it!
You are so right - we need to treasure each God given moment as they are unrepeatable.
Best wishes
I just sent you an email through ebay...don't know what I was thinking, I could have done it through here I suppose.
Love your blog!
~~Peggy Lee
Thank you for yet another adorable chart.
thank you and glad that your time is well spent. Look forward to your new charts. Love your designs.
Although our kids are still fairly young, I already get a little sad thinking about how they'll be grown up and out on their own and busy with their own lives in just a few years. It does help me appreciate the moments I have with them, though!
Nancy, your expressed our feelings so well. I have been where you are and still go there after all this time. No matter the preparation it still remains a thing of the heart and spirit and I think a little bit of the "empty nest" will be with us til glory.
Thanks for this chart and the last one...I missed it.
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